Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Conversation with Matt

N: "I'm thinking I might get married."
M: "AHHHHAHAHAHAHA, good for you."
N: "Seriously, dude."
M: "Some girl let you teabag her, and now you're going to marry her?"
N: "No dude, I'm going to marry Bo's sister, Michelle."
M: "why?"
N: "I don't know...she has nothing to do...we're both single, I'll let her move to Nebraska and I'll take care of her and shit."
M: "Awwwwww that's not good."
N: "Then I'd get to hang with Bo all the time--"
M: "--not good at all."
N: "We'd be brother in law--"
M: "--Fuck me."
N: "You're really against this aren't you?"
M: "Fuck." N: "Alright...maybe I won't."
M: "Nah--I just locked my keys in my car...I'm going to have to call you back."

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